Planning to emulate a virtual running event in the near future?? We’ve put together some key tips to help you replicate the typical game day experience at your next virtual track meet!

What is virtual racing/how does the virtual racing system work?

– Virtual running races are the same as regular running races, apart from runners being given time to run that distance. Competitors run whenever/wherever they want, then send their results (running app files/pictures of their watches, etc.) to race organizers to verify they’ve run that distance.

Do virtual races award medals?

– Most virtual races have some sort of finisher package which usually includes a medal and other equipment options. Different events offer different finisher awards.

Race Day Anxiety

Recreate those excruciating morning anxieties by telling one of your weird jogging friends that you’ll be running a virtual race with them during their regular 6:30 a.m. run. Set your alarm at an odd hour, then do the familiar routine of gorging yourself on oatmeal, and nervously messing up your chest pin job a few times before you leave the house at the last minute!

Bathroom Range

Nothing says race morning more than an awkward bathroom queue! We recommend telling all your family members to cover the bathroom with an extra long morning shower. Live alone? Lock your bathroom with a dead bolt, then put the key in the time release box! (something like this; )

Photography in the Field

Convince a friend or family member to prepare some important locations “on the track.” Have them take some photos of you on their smartphone then market them back to you after running for $40.

Multi-Role Bonus

Give this guy a bag of gels and a spirit guide, so it can double as a help area on the field and a place to store the spirit code!

Final Channel

Completing virtual races can be a bit lonely, luckily people on craigslist are willing to do anything for $20! Use the performance component to immediately recruit some members of the finish line crowd to motivate you as you cross the finish line.

Happy! Not only will you complete the virtual match, but you will also successfully do it in style!

By admin 4